
Cloud Service

After completing this form, you will receive an email with a single-use link to download Proficy Historian from GE Digital.

For on-premise and cloud-based storage and analysis

With Proficy Historian, users have the ability to analyze data in context via Proficy Operations Hub and the Historian Analysis run-time application, which are licensed with Proficy Historian starting with Version 8.0 Standard and Enterprise.


The combination of Proficy Historian and Proficy Operations Hub provides a powerful data management solution with asset model context and visualization. Users receive aggregation of data across multiple data sources or historians, ability to define an asset model including tag mapping, and advanced trend analysis. Furthermore, Proficy Historian includes an Excel Add-In for Proficy Operations Hub, enabling users to query historical data based on the asset model.


Unlock new value from your equipment, process data, and business models

With decades of experience and thousands of successful customer installations around the world, Proficy Historian changes the way companies perform and compete by making data available for asset and process performance analysis